Part 6 Getting the straw!
Part 6 Getting the straw! unloading the straw bales into a temp pile and cover We chose to make the walls with straw. I worked on a two story, 2000 sdqft straw bale project and I knew what I liked and didn't about straw. Our structure is single story and so the straw bales can support the full weight of the roof without and additional framing easily. We checked around and got the number to a guy up north who delivered straw bales. He just happened to have a trailer full of bales, way more than we needed but the whole load was $370! We also use straw for other purposes and to be up to date we still have some left over 5 years later! Our time with the straw was going to go into winter so we we needed to be able to store it. We set six pallets on the ground, covered them with plywood (recycled of course) and tarped the whole thing. Our straw was oat straw and due to the short hot summer, the straw was stunted and the strands were short and filled with oats. Longer strands mak...